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1 : Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test is a proven scientific method to decode the brain potential and talent through the physical formation of fingerprints which has linkage to the brain development.

Body prints formation and formation of brains are synchronized and has been medically & clinically proven that body prints and existence of multiple intelligences are completely connected. Each ridge has a direct connection with one or other neuron of our brain.


Discover the inborn traits to understand your children’s in order to communicate with them effectively and to eliminate misunderstanding in relationships.

Discover innate strengths, weaknesses, multiple intelligences to understand precisely if a child is gifted with arts, sports, music or academic talent.

Enhance learning experience by identifying preferred learning style like kinesthetic, auditory, visual, etc. to have a clear view on the type of leaning method best suits.

Minimize time and financial commitments on unwanted matters.

DMIT is getting accepted at a faster pace as it helps to understand:

  • Left and Right brain potential
  • Preferred learning style of an individual.
  • Distribution of quotients like AQ, IQ, CQ, EQ, VQ, etc.
  • Behavior pattern.
  • Stress response system.
  • Percentile distribution of innate intelligence.
  • The most suited and preferred career option for an individual.

2 : Adult Activation and Health Energizer

  • Adult brain Activation program allows the brain to function as a whole, rather than only utilizing one part of the brain.
  • We can benefit from logic from the left brain and intuition from the right.
  • It also brings out and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate.
  • Adult Brain Activation Will Improve
  • Memory & Concentration
  • Creativity
  • IQ
  • Self-confidence
  • Thinking Ability
  • Academic performance
  • Performance in sports

3 : Photographic Memory Program

  • Photographic memory is the ability to recall visual information, such as from books, magazines and license plate numbers in great detail after only brief exposure to it.
  • It is found in early childhood (between 2%-10% of that age group)
  • It is unconnected with the person’s intelligence level
  • If the ability is not nurtured it usually begins to fade after the age of 6
  • This memory is often subject to unintended alterations because of outside influences.

4 : Mnemonics

  • Mnemonics is a science as well as art to memorize what you See, Listen, Do, Smell or Taste
  • It enables you memorize Long Answers, Facts, Figures, Names, Faces, Events, Dates of History, Calendar of Many Years, Telephone Numbers etc.
  • Mnemonics enables you memorize Long Answers, Facts, Figures, Names, Faces, Events, Dates of History, Calendar of Many Years, Telephone Numbers etc.
  • Mnemonics enables you use your right brain to memorize anything for long term memory.
  • Mnemonics enables you use you’re all the sense of your body

5 : Grapho – Writing

  • Grapho-writing is not only handwriting improvement course but it is one of the overall personality development courses. You can understand the person by just looking at his/her handwriting. What is written is not important, how it is written is more important.
  • In this workshop we teach how to improve handwriting with all graphological concepts which are related to our mind and brain.

Why Join Our Franchise ?

  1. ONE TIME INVESTMENT only for franchise fee.
  2. You can use your own Brand and you can resell franchises in all states across the country.
  3. We will give you LIFETIME SUPPORT. We have years of experience in franchise business and researching human brain power energy.

Business opportunity:

  • Right Time to Enter Into the almost Virgin Market
  • Scientific and Revolutionary Technology based
  • Recession proof Business
  • Business with a Noble Cause
  • Need of Every Student
  • Minimum Infrastructure Requirements ( 200-300 sq. ft.)
  • Complete Training Support by Company
  • Get High Returns with assured Piece of Mind Growth & Satisfaction.

Infrastructure Requirement:

  • 200-300 sq. ft. area with no Disturbance
  • High Quality Speakers
  • LCD TV or Projector
  • Flap chairs